Discussion of Smoothing Methods of UpperAir Wind Measured by LBand Radar and Radiosonde Sounding System
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Based on the analysis of wind measurement of operational Lband radar and radiosonde sounding system, it is proposed an improved smoothing algorithm of upperair wind. Firstly, the differences of two smoothing algorithms for upperair winds, which are the operational minute wind and the moving average wind, are compared. Then they are also compared with GPS RS92 wind. The comparative analysis and the results of statistical processing are given, especially are also given several segmented statistical analysis of low elevation, longdistance, low wind and subperiod wind. The last one is regulated by operational rules that use different time intervals to calculate smoothing wind in three periods of an upperair sounding process, i. e., the first 21 minutes, in 22-42 minutes and 43 minutes later. The results show that the vector wind using the most appropriate moving average window has a better consistency with GPS RS92 wind and a small dynamic error. It is suggested that the moving average method of 1 min window or 30 sec window at first 20 minutes and then 1 min window should be used for the future algorithm improvement of upperair wind measured by operational Lband radar and radiosonde sounding system.