Review on Severe Convective Weather ShortTerm Forecasting and Nowcasting
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The shortterm forecasting and nowcasting of severe convective weather is to meet the demands of national preventing and mitigating disasters, major social activities, and fine weather service. Although great progresses in the shortterm forecasting and nowcasting of severe convective weather were made in China in recent years, there are still many gaps between China and developed countries. The current development of technique and operation status on the shortterm forecasting and nowcasting of severe convective weather are reviewed. The challenges in China are summarized and the corresponding measures are proposed. Currently, the main techniques on the shortterm forecasting and nowcasting of severe convective weather can be classified as three types: the extrapolation forecast, numerical model forecast, and the knowledgebased forecast technique. However, the rapid updated cycle of numerical model forecast and the data of the next generation of geostationary meteorological satellites will play important roles in the shortterm forecasting and nowcasting of severe convective weather. The surveillances, analyses, and mechanism research of the convective weather are the foundation of the shortterm forecasting and nowcasting. The advanced extrapolation forecast, the rapid updated cycle of numerical model forecast, and their blending forecast are the important development directions of the shortterm forecasting and nowcasting in future.