ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P
Numerical Simulation of Filling Doppler Velocity Field in NonEcho Areas

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    When wind field is detected with Dopper weather radar, there are some different size nonecho areas in largescale radar echoes, which lead to great errors when average divergence and average deformation information are extracted. With the technique suggested by Sirmans to simulate the precipitationecho signal, we obtain a plane linear velocity field which includes 0, 1, 2 step overtones and carry on addschirp processing, and then a nearreal Doppler velocity field is generated. Supposing that the special nonecho area exists in the plane linear velocity field and by the use of VAD technology and the repetitive processing, the continuous gap and the noncontinuous gap in the plane linear velocity field would be filled with repetitive processing. The simulation results indicate that for the simulation of nonnoise plane linear velocity field, the nonecho area of continuity accumulation gap from 10° to 180° can be filled inerrably with the repetitive processing in the velocity field. For continuous accumulation gap, under the conditions of σv=2 m?s-1,SNR≥5 dB and SNR=20 dB,σv≤4 m?s-1, and the continuous accumulation gap less than 120°, the nonecho area with the repetitive processing in the velocity field can be filled inerrably. After filling, the absolute errors of 0, 1, 2 step overtones may be controlled to be less than 15%, and the absolute errors of speed controlled less than 30% which is 80 km away from the circle around the gap place iteration. For the plane linear velocity field of noncontinuous accumulation gap from 0° to 180°, under the condition of additional different noise, not only the accumulation gap less than 180° in the plane velocity field can be filled, but also the speed errors can be controlled to be less than 15% which is 80 km away from the circle around the gap place iteration. This shows that the effect and precision are very good when nonecho areas in Doppler wind field are filled with the repetitive processing, and will have a great help for improving the precision of average divergence and average deformation information extracted from the Doppler wind field.

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  • Received:October 06,2008
  • Revised:October 12,2009
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