New Design and Observation of Lysimeter on Actual Evapotranspiration
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Research on water balance and evapotranspiration (ETa) process is an important part in water cycle research. Observation and assessment on ETa over land surface are of great significance for the understanding of water cycle and sustainable development of water resources under climate change conditions. However, traditional lysimeter is usually of simple function, limited precision, and is expensive in installation and daily operation. To observe ETa over land surface and understand the ‘evaporation paradox’, the authors designed this new lysimeter system, which is located in the Ecological Experiment Station of Nanchang County in Jiangxi Province, to study the impacts of climate change on water cycle and ETa over land surface. With many hitechs such as high resolution weighting system (0.01 mm), pfmeters (pf: 07) and observation GPRS loggers (24 bit, 512 k), ETa over land and its process are measured based on the observation of soil water potential (Matrix potential), lysimeter and groundwater level. Besides higher precision and frequency compared to traditional lysimeter, this new system can observe ETa process, the new loggers for soil moisture and water potential, which got the international patent in 2004 thus it is of high precision, observation frequency and wide adaption to environment, and therefore can be used to a wide range of application based on different targets and new version of design.