Features of Moisture Transportation in a Continuous Torrential Rain in Hubei Province at the End of August 2008
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A continuous torrential rain took place in Hubei Province during August 28-29, 2008. Features of moisture transport are studied by applying conventionally observed data, the automatic meteorological station data, the groundbased GPS precipitable water and NCEP reanalyzed data. The results show that the rainfall process strengthened and weakened twice, respectively. The rainfall became large as the GPS precipitable water increased. Direction of vertically integrated moisture transport was mainly southwest, but when it turned to be northwest the rainfall became weak. The rainfall didn’t change simultaneously as the value of vertically integrated moisture transport did. The location of heavy rain moved as zone of vertically integrated moisture convergence moved, precipitation intensity altered as the value of vertically integrated moisture convergence altered though the relation between them wasn’t linear. Both the area and change tendency of vertically integrated moisture convergence should be paid more attention to.