ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P
Monitoring and Evaluating Services System of EcologicalAgricultural Meteorol ogy of Regional Level in Xilinguole

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    According to the ecological and agrometeorological service demand, th e monitoring and evaluation service system of ecologicalagrometeorology in reg ional level was developed and applied. The system can transfer all kinds of ecol ogical and agricultural observed data rapidly in different stations, and store d ata efficiently. It provides functions such as analyzing the input data, control ling data quality, making various tables and figures of service information on t ime based on communications network, by adopting the Client/Server (C/S) p lot structure and by fully using database management technology, network communi cation and multimedia. This system will provide the efficient information servic es for government and production manager.

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  • Received:August 12,2008
  • Revised:May 21,2009
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