Application of Data Observed by Several Instruments in Effective Verification of Artificial Precipitation Enhancement
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By using the data observed by Doppler weather radar, duallinear polarization a nd entirephaseparameter weather radar (on 3 cm waveband), lightning locati on net and precipitation observation stations, the effect of 4 seeding experimen ts in eastern Hubei in 2007 are analyzed. The results show that there are incre asing changes of the Doppler echo characteristics of the target cloud in short time after seeding, including the intensity and area of strong ec hoes, echo tops, the value and the area of larger VIL, these factors reach the m aximum in 25 min. Compared with the contrast cloud, the enlargement rate of seed ed cloud is large. The FY2C data cannot reflect the seeding effect on convective cloud, but on stratus cloud, the cloudtop height rises while the cloud top te mperature reduces, supercooled cloud thickness increases, the effective partic le radius maintains the big granule level and the cloud top brightness temperatu re drops. The dualpolarization factors including Ldr and ρhv (area of l arge value), the frequency (maximum appearing at 18th minute) and intensity of l ightning all vary. Main rainfall period is centralized in half an hour from the 10th minute, and the rainfall intensity and duration of seeded cloud are more th an those of contrast cloud.