Abstract:The operational experiment result of Lightning Nowcasting and Warning System (wh ich is developed by Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, CAMS_LNWS) in Be ijing area is reported. The comparison and evaluation between the lightning nowc asting products and lightning monitoring data show that CAMS_LNWS can work stabl y, obtain many observation data regularly, automatically generate and circularly display three types of lightning nowcasting and warning products, namely the li ghtning occurrence probability, the moving trend of lightning activity region an d the lightning risk grade of key region. The lightning occurrence probability products of CAMS_LNWS have a relatively high Probability of Detectio n (POD), and it can effectively nowcast and warn the regions that may occur ligh tning flashes within 0—30 min. However, with the extension of the nowcasting an d warning lead time, the effect of CAMS_LNWS products will deteriorate.