Abstract:Statistical analysis about the characteristics of the temporal and spa tial distribution of the thunderstorm from May to September in 2006 is conducted . The results are as follows: (1)The occurrence of the thunderstorm is shortra nge and lo cal. Most of them happen at 17 p.m. and 20 p.m. in the evening, while only a few at 11 a.m.; (2)The stations that once the thunderstorm happened are less then 1 /3 of all the stations. From the spatial distribution of the thunderstorm, the are a with hig h frequency of the thunderstorm focus on Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan province, while in the west of InnerMongloia, northern part of Xinjiang and Qinhai etc . are the area with less thund erstorm; (3)The distribution of the convective parameters present di fferent characteristics. The most important point is that, when the thunderstorm happens, there are three high frequency areas and the corresponding convective parameters centralize in a certain range.