A Composite Diagnostic Study of the Weather Differences Caused by Northeast Cold Vortex
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The two cold vortex processes occurred on July 5, 2006 and June 16, 2006 are inv estigated. The positions of the two cold vortices are similar, but weather pheno mena are different. With the conventional meteorological data, satellite images, automatic weather station(AWS) data and NCEP reanalysis data (horizontal resolu tion 1°×1°), two processes are analyzed in aspects of largescale circulatio n, the evolution of the satellite image, the energetic and dynamical field. The results show that (1) in the two cases, the T distribution at the low and middle level, the strength of systems in the upstream and downstream area is differen t. (2)The cloud cluster located the end of cold vortex band propagates forward. (3) The strong convective storms have a good relationship with the region of hig h θse gradient value, SI<0, high value of CAPE, as well as SW flow lo cated south of surface convergent line.