Abstract:20-year hindcast experiments (1983-2002) and 5year forecasts of summer averag e temperature and rainfall over China are presented by using regional climate mo del (RegCM_NCC) that is a nested global atmosphere ocean coupled model (CGCM _NCC). The RegCM_NCC can reproduce the averaged pattern of average temperatu re and precipitation during the 20year hindcast summer. From the whole analysi s of the forecast score (P) and anomaly correlation coefficient (ACC), the RegCM _NCC has some capabilities in predicting the major seasonal average temperatur e and rain belt, especially in some areas. The pattern of hindcasted 20year av erage temperature is very close to that of observed temperature, while there is some extent of difference between the patterns of hindcasted and observed precipitation. The forecast scores (P) of the hindcasted and forecasted 25year averaged summer temperature and precip itation are 67.9 and 67.6, respectively.