Abstract:Based on the air temperature contrast observations between Aiding lake bottom an d other 3 stations in Tulufan Basin, two new extreme values and three conclusion s are obtained. The two new extreme values are that(1).49.7℃, new extreme max imum air temperature record in China appeared in Aiding lake bottom on 3, August of 2008. (2)According to the temperature difference between Aiding lake botto m and Tulufan station, an extreme air temperature of 51℃ took place in Aiding l ake bottom in 1951. The three conclusions are that (1) the daily temperature ran ge of 24℃ in Tulufan Basin is much larger than that in the east mountain region of low height above sea level; (2) the maximum temperature lapse rate in Tulufa n Basin bottom of 1.7-1.9℃/100m is much larger than that in the east mountain ( 0.7-0.8℃/100m); (3) the appearance time of daily maximum temperature in Aiding lake bottom, 16-17 o'clock of local time, is 2 hours later than that in the east region (local time 14-15 o'clock).