A Relationship between Daily Load and Meteorological Factors for Guilin Power Network and Forecasting
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As a part of Energy Management System(EMS), daily load forecasting is very important for safety and economy operation of the power system. For the sak e of studying meteorological factors on the impact of load more comprehensively , the meteorological load is deduced from the load of guilin power network accor ding to daily data from 2005 to 2006. The correlations between meteorological lo ad and meteorological factors show that the relations between load and meteorolo gical factors can be obtained more exactly through the meteorological load, whic h can provide important reference for the work of load forecasting of administra tion of power supply. Finally, a method based on similar days is adoped for the forecasting of meteorological load and integrated electric load and the actual e xample shows that the results are satisfactory for the daily load forecasting.