Vertical Distribution Characteristics of PM2.5 Mass Concentration in the Atmosphere over Tianjin
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From October 131, 2006, the research set 3 monitoring points respectively in 4 0meter, 120meter, 220meter platforms and monitored the air quality with PM2.5 concentration. Combined with PM10 concentration and visibility r ange, the temporal and spatial distribution of pollutants was analyzed. The result ind icated that PM2.5 concentration varies obviously at different vertical hei ghts. The overall trend of pollutant distribution at three levels was 120meter >40meter>220meter. The mixinglayer depth and atmospheric stability is the most important factors to influence PM2.5 concentration. PM2.5 conce ntration also varied in different time as follows: from 23:00 to 11:00, the conc entration in 120meter platform was significantly higher than other levels; fro m 11:00 to 18:00, due to the enhancement of atmospheric diffusion capacity, the pollutant concentration at three levels started to decline; from 18:00 to 23:00, the pollutant concentration at lower level showed higher value. Everyday the PM2.5 mass concentration varied in a certain regular way. PM2.5 concen trations peak usually was caused by weather condition and traffic exhauster. And it also indicated that in Tianjin city the overall varying trend of PM10 and PM2.5 concentration seems the same, there was a negative correlation b etween the visibility range and the level of fine particles pollution. The preci pitation process is the important mechanism of removing particle from atmosphere .