Abstract:The data obtained at both ends of runway at Shenzhen airport is used to analyze the micro scale horizontal gradient variation, and four typical disastrous weath er cases were chosen to do the detail analysis. It was found that the annual mea n horizontal gradients of pressure, temperature and wind speed are 0.0064hPa/km, 0.035℃/km and 1.1×10-4/s, respectively. In the case of a squall, the l ongitudinal horizontal gradients of pressure, temperature and wind speed are 1.2 hPa/km, 0.035℃/km and 5.3×10-3/s, respectively and the minus horizontal gradient of temperature and relative humidity maintained over 45 minutes until the squall reached. In the case of thunderstorm the horizontal gradient of each element is similar to the case of squall, but no minus horizontal gradient of relative humidity occurred. In the case of continuous heavy rain, the 0.15hPa/km pressure gradient and 0.5℃ /km temperature gradient and 90° wind direction difference were maintained over 10 hours. When a cold air arrived, the temperature and pressure gradient would reverse, but relative humidity gradient would keep invariable, and the gradients would last until the end of process.