Comparative Analysis of Sealand Breeze Convergence Line along Bohai Gulf with Radar CINRADSA and Automatic Meteorological Station Data
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For studying the evolution rules of the sea-land breeze, a statistical analysis of appearance and disappearance and evolution rules of PBL convergence line ass ociated with the sealand breeze along Bohai Gulf is done by using Tianjin wea ther radar CINRADSA and automatic meteorological station data. The corresponde nces between PBL convergence line and sealand breeze along Bohai Gulf are rese arched. The results show that: (1) The PBL convergence line forming along coastline is actually sealand breeze convergence line. (2) Sealand bre eze convergence line can be only monitored by radar from May to September each yea r, mainly in June to September. (3) On clear days, when a strong sealand breez e convergence line passes the radar or blows to the northwest of the radar, lan d breeze turns to sea breeze. (4) The stronger the intensity of sealand breeze convergence line and the higher sealand breeze convergence line stretches vert ically, the larger the speed of corresponding sea breeze.