Abstract:The data processing kernel problems of the very shortrange and nowcasting are analyzed in detail. These include quality control of automatic weather station d ata,data update frequency, network Doppler radar synchronization observation an d levelII data transfer in time,detecting data transfer in real time,detecti ng data monitoring and dissemination based on the directory monitoring and messa ge drive, software development based on the open source technology, and data fo rmat etc. Some techniques are adopted to meet the shortterm and nowcastin g demands. Based on these techniques,the DRAPS (Data Rapid Acquisition and Process Syste m) of nowcasting for Beijing 2008 Olympic games was developed and run in operat ion more than one year. Some advanced techniques were adopted in DRAPS,such as data transfer in real time, network radar synchronization observation, data mo nitoring and dissemination in time based on message driven, and data format stan dardization etc. The system basically meets the demands on the data processing f or very shortterm and nowcasting.