Causality Analysis of Autumn Rainfall Anomalies in China in 2007
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The spatiotemporal characteristics of autumn rainfall anomalies in China in 20 07 and the related largescale atmosphere circulation are analyzed, and effects of the La Ni?a event started in August of 2007 are also studied. The a utumn rainfall distribution shows a typical feature of more than normal in North China and less than normal in South China, especially in September and Oc tober. In these two months, the deep IndianBurma trough and active southwest m onsoon over the east of the Tibetan Plateau strengthened the northward transport ation of wetwarm air from the Bay of Bengal and the South China Sea. Meanwhile , the geopotential height in wide ranges from Balkhash to Baikal is lower than nor mal, which leads to the cold air taken by the split short waves transporting sou thward. In addition, the west Pacific subtropical high is more northwardthan normal, which also supplies the humid southeast air. Under this circulation, the cold airs and warmwet air were combined constantly over the north China. The second EOF mode of autumn rainfall is similar to the rainfa ll anomalies in 2007, which explains variance of more 10% and closely related to the SSTA in the centraleastern Equatorial Pacific. Both autumn rainfall and r elated circulation anomalies in 2007 present the typical characteristics of La Ni?a event.