ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P
Simulation of VIC Hydrologic Model During 2006 Flood Season

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    The runoff and water content in soil and the discharge of hydrologic station in China during the flood season of 2006 are simulated by using the VIC (Variable I nfiltration Capacity) hydrologic model, with emphasis on the water logging disas ter produced by a heavy rainfall case from 28 June to 5 July 2006 in the valley of Huaihe River. Performance of the model in simulating the discharge over the H uaihe River basin is examined in different horizontal resolutions, e.g., coarse mesh and fine mesh(0.5°×0.5° and 0.1°×0.1°). Results show that patterns of simulated runoff and soil humidity are consistent with that of rainfall and t he model output for soil humidity is reasonable for reference. Temporal variation in the accumulated rainfall, runoff and soil humid ity can be used to monitor the water logging disaster. VIC land surface model and conflux m odel are able to reproduce the trend of realistic discharge in some degree. Disc harge simulation is sensitive to rainfall and is more realistic in the case of f ine mesh than in the case of coarse mesh. Model error likely comes from the unre asonable boundary of the drainage basin, calibration of parameters and atmospher ic forcing data.

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  • Received:January 15,2007
  • Revised:April 02,2007
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