Abstract:In order to understand the efficiency of the products from a mediumange foreca sting model, the synoptic verification and some compa risons of T213 Model with the ECMWF and JAPAN model are investigated from Septem ber to Novembe r 2007. The results show that all the three models have a good performance in f orecasting the largescale circulation in the high and middle latitudes, and th e y all show significant indication to forecast the transition and the weather dis aster. On the whole, ECMWF got the minimum errors in forecasting the weather sys tem a nd weather factors, while T213 got the maximum errors. Taking typhoon No. 0713 as a case, it was found that ECMWF got the most correct results for its location and moving speed, and that T213 got slow moving speed before l anding but the most correct location after landing, and that JAPAN model complet ely failed in forecasting the location and the strength of the typhoon.