Introduction of the Professional Interpolation Software for Meteorology Data:ANUSPLINN
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Spatial grid metrological data is an essential environmental factor for various geomodel and climatemodel, and the interpolation software is a tool to make the data spacedependent. As a specially designed interpolation package for meteorological data, ANUSPLIN has advantages of its solid theory of thin pl ate spline function, high interpolation accuracy by the incorporation of paramet ric linear submodel, in addition to the independent spline variables. Furtherm ore,it is more suitable for time series of meteorological data by process ing one more surface layer one time. So many contents of ANUSPLIN, such as the interpo lation theory, main data flows, parameters setting, model selection, statistic a nalyses and inputoutput formats are introduced through an example. It is expe cted that this paper is helpful for the researchers to use the ANUSPLIN more easi ly.