ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P
On Shanxi Summer Interannual Climate Change I. Concurrent Rich/Seldom Rainfall Pattern

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    Using American National Centre of Environmental Prediction reanalysis data and monthly precipitation data at 64 observational stations of Shanxi Province, the precipitation and temperature anomalies variation and tempora l/spatial distribution patterns in 1960-2003 summer was studied with EOF, wavelet analyse s and composite analyses methods. The first rainfall pattern over Shanxi Province was concurrent rich/seldom rain pattern. The distinctive years were selected an d the corresponding spatial distributions were made out. Summer precipitation tr ends appeared the same trend pattern with the first rainfall pattern and showed that precipitation in 43 years decreased mainly over whole Shanxi Province. With the first rainfall pattern, analyzed were the general circulation anomalies and meridional winds on 500hPa potential height field, 850hPa wind vector anomalous fields, 700hPa water vapor field and sea surface temperature anomalies and so o n. The results showed that concurrent rich rainfall pattern in Shanxi Province c orresponded to strong East Asian summer monsoon, normally appeared at the year w hen La Nina event was happening and El Nino event had happened during last winte r. While at midand high latitudes there was latitudinal+-+-anomalous circ ulation pattern, and over Asian continent there were one trough around Baikal an d two ridges around Ural Mountain and Okhotsk Sea respectively. Concurrent poor rainfall pattern corresponded to weak East Asian summer monsoon, normally appear ed at the year when El Nino event was happening and La Nina event had happened d uring last winter. At the same time, at midand high latitudes there was lati tu dinal-+-+anomalous circulation pattern, and over Asian continent there we re two troughs and one ridge. Therefore, The first rainfall pattern in Shanxi Pr ovince is strong related to the anomalous latitudinal wave train happened at mid  and high latitudes and SSTA over the equatorial Pacific Ocean. 

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  • Received:July 23,2007
  • Revised:September 06,2007
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