AHP/BCG Assembled Analysis of Socioeconomic Impact Study about Olympic Weather Service
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Taking Olympic weather service as a case, a brand new assessment method of socio economic impact was put forward, which constructs an Assembled Matrix model of Importance Degree and Satisfaction Degree of weather service. The method synth etically combines the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and Boston Consult ing Group Matrix (BCG) method together to get quantitative AHP/BCG matrix model and makes the complex thinking process of users mathematic and systematiz ation. Taking “Good Luck Beijing 2007 Qingdao International Regatta" as an practical case, the model tries to measure six chief items: realizing and meeting users' needs, timely and efficient service, and dissemination approaches (websites, users' manual and so on), ability of server, forecast accuracy, and users' future choice after the game. Through this assembled matrix model it coul d measure the current structures and corresponding position on four quadrants in the matrix model of each item, find problems and try to solve them, and forecast th eir development direction.