Updated Software of Geostationary Satellite Image Processing System
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Cloud imagery obtained by geostationary satellites plays an important role in the meteorological research. “Software of Geostationary Satellite Image Processing” on Windows can implement the research with great efficiency and sp eed. Due to the geostationary satellites updated, the old “Software of Geostati onary Satellite Image Processing” cannot read the data observed by the new sate llites. In this paper, the new data interface and functions of this software are introduced. The new data that can be processed by this software include multi-t ypes of satellite data transferred by 9210 communication project, “GPF (Geostat ionarysatellite Project File)” files, “HDF5” files, GMS5, GOES9 and MTS AT 1R data stored in Peking University. The new functions are as follows: animation of satellite images, channel switch, objective analysis and diagnosis for conventional data, contour maps, streamline maps, grid vector maps, display of enhanced satellite images, calculation between two channels, TBB/albedo contour maps, statistics of TBB, and conversion of the different format satellite files.