Relation Between Flood Season Precipitation Anomalies in South China an d East Asian Atmospheric Low Frequency Oscillation in 1997
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By using the daily precipitation data from CMA and NCEP reanalysis daily data, the relation between flood season precipitation anomalies in South China and E ast Asian atmospheric low frequency oscillation in 1997 was analyzed. Results s how that flood season precipitation in South China reveals different low frequen cy oscillation in preflood season and latter flood season. The preflood sea son precipitation is mainly controlled by the oscillation of 1020 days, but th e relation between latter flood season precipitation and low frequency oscillati on is not very clear. The further study shows that the preflood season precipi tation in South China obviously connects withlow frequency oscillation of west wind and the precipitation substantially agree s with the low frequency oscillation of wind. Meanwhile, one reason of the heav y rain may be the transfer of wind from high and low latitude to South China dur ing this period. Besides, another reason of the heavy rain may be that the kinet ic energy perturbation is released concentrically in South China.