Application of the Groundbased GPS/PW Data to Investigate the “7·10" Heavy Rainfall Event in Beijing
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The precipitable water vapor (PW) data at 30min intervals are analyzed and ass imilated into the WRF model for the “7·10” Beijing heavy rainfall event that occurred in the period of 911 July, 2004. Observational results show that the temporal variation of the GPS/PW is an instructive factor for the analysis and p rediction of this heavy rainfall event. Using the WRF model and its 3DVar system with twoway and twonested grids of 12/4km, three 36h numerical experiments are conducted to investigate the impacts of PW with the va riation analyses at 1200 UTC of July 9 as the initial fields. Numerical experime ntal results show that the assimilation of GPS/PW observations significantly hel ps to improve the moisture analysis at the initial time, then helps to improve forecasts of the location, intensity and evolution of this heavy rainfall event