Abstract:Over the past ten years and more, the average temperature of Huantai s ituated in the northwest of Shandong Province is on the rise, and the temperatur e increased distinctly in winterhalfyear, which influences the growth of win ter wheat. Winter wheat commonly grow rapidly before winter time and over winter with green form, and its resistance to low te mperature is affected,it likely cau ses a natural hazard. We can strengthen resistance ability of winter wheat and d ecrease the possibility of its rapid growth by choosing a proper sown time to ad apt the temperature change. Now comparing three agriculture indicators (includin g the daily mean temperature from seeding to come out, accumulated temperature f rom seeding to growth cease, total accumulated temperature from seeding to harve st) with actual statistical result of temperature change over past ten years, we can find that as the temperature increases, the proper seeding time of winter w heat should be postpone compared to traditional seeding time.