Abstract:For the sake of providing technical methods for precipitation modification, the structure and precipitation formation mechanism of precipitating convection clou ds of different types in summer are investigated. Based on 13933 mesoγ scale convection clouds observed by New Generation Weather Radar (CINRAD) in Hefei, th e life time, primary reflection rate, echo top height, echo thickness and vertic al integrated liquid water are statistically analyzed according to 5 kinds of sy noptic systems. The results about the 5 kinds of synoptic systems declared that the life time of convection clouds less than 1 hour accounted f or a major percentage of 90%-95% of the total sample, and the thickness of convective cell clouds are often 2-5km wit h maximum over 10km. Under controlling of subtropical high and its outer circle, the height of cloud top of 75% convective cells exceeded 0℃ layer. But under the influence of low troughs and southern branch trough, the height of most clou d top is below or near 0℃ layer. Top heights of convection cloud cells are main ly near or below 0℃ level when they are affected by the low trough of North Chi na, the low trough along coast and the south branch trough. These results are he lpful for the operation of artificial enhancement of rain.