Abstract:In order to add new MeiYu season sample in the MidLower Reaches of t he Changjiang River, the daily data of reanalysis from NCEP/NCAR and the precipitation observation of 5 stations i n the MidLower Reaches of the Changjiang River are used and some routine met hods based on circulation consideration are adopted to diagnose the characteristic parameter of summer MeiYu period in the MidLower Reaches of the Changjiang River in 2006, and to discuss the relationship between MeiYu season and summer monsoon in that year. The result shows that it is reasonable to ensure th at the beginning and ending MeiYu season in the MidLower Reaches of the C hangjiang River are the 5th pentad of June and the 4th pentad of July respective ly, also the total MeiYu precipitation of 2006 is below the normal due to the weaker Indomonsoon and east Asia mons oon (including summer the South China Sea monsoon and summer subtropical monsoon) o f that season.