ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P
Analysis of the Bow Echo of a Severe Storm in Northern Part of Huaihe River

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    Using CINRADSA Doppler radar data in Fuyang, as well as weather cha rt, and the observation data at upperair and surface, a severe storm weather p rocess occurring in the northern region of Huaihe River on July 16, 2005 is anal yzed. The results show that this is a severe convective weather process with cat astrophic gale, rainstorm and local hailstone,and it was caused by a bow meso β scale squall line echo belt,which was triggered by arc gust front in the ear lier time. Further, the dry cold air into the cloud region at the middlelevel i ntensify the downdraft and the lowerlevel outflow, and then the gust front was formed. On the other hand,an initial attempt to do nowcasting was made in terms of the synthetical application of various radar products. 

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  • Received:October 10,2006
  • Revised:April 09,2007
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