Abstract:In 2006, sea surface temperature (SST) in CentralEast Pacific of equator was u ndergoing from cold phase (LaNina condition) to warm (ElNino). At 500hPa geo potential height, it prevail meridional circulation in the midhigh latitude ov er EuroAsian area in early winter, but zonal circulation was mainly exhibited over Asian area in late. In summer and autumn, the circulation appeared meridion al in the high latitude and zonal in the middle latitude over Asian continent, t o result in the most warming in summer and autumn in China. In summer 2006, subt ropical high was stronger, and the position was northward and westward than norm al. Asian summer monsoon was stronger than normal. There was no obvious and pers ist blocking in the northeast Asia. The Meiyu in the midlower Yangtze River wa s weaker. Heating resource over QinghaiXizang Plateau was higher from winter t o autumn. Convective activity in warm pool of west equator Pacific is stronger i n July, August and October.