Abstract:Using the fifthgeneration PSU/NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5V3.7), a rain storm on June 25 to 26, 2005 in Henan Province is successfully simulated. The output of the model such as integrated hydrometeor, the Doppler Radar echo, and the 24ho ur precipitation are very the same like the fact. Based on the good res ults of the model, the dynamic and thermodynamic conditions, the changes of the i nstability index in two different areas and the hydrometeor changes are analyzed . Besides, the differences of the microphysical structures characteristics in the different phases of the precipitation process are analyzed by using the quality content of snow (Qs), graupel (Qg), ice (Qi), rain (Qr), and cloud water (Qc) calculated by Reisner microphysical schemes.