Abstract:CH4 emission fluxes from early and late rice fields in Qingyuan suburb s of Guangdong Province during the period of 2003—2004 were analyzed. The exper imental site is located in the villages of Longjing and Liwei of northwest of Gua ngzhou City. A static chamber method is used for the measurement of CH4 emissi on. Air samples in the field box were analyzed using a gaschromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector (GC/FID GOWMAC, series 350) in a laboratory o f Qingyuan Meteorological Station. The average fluxes of CH4 emission for rice crop acreage during the early and late rice growing seasons were 4.38 and 6.09mg? m-2?h-1 in 2003, 5.17 and 8.3mg?m-2?h-1 in 2004. CH4 emission and the rice yield had some differences for different rice cultivar. Rice variety “Qisijian" has n ot only higher CH4 emission (higher by 1.08mg?m-2?h-1) but also a lower yield (0.64 times yield) compared with rice variety “Jinyou 99". Therefo re, the choice of the rice variety which has less CH4 emission and more yield is a good way to mitigate CH4 emission.