ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P
A Mesoscale Analysis of a Heavy Rainfall Event in Hebei on 23 July 2005

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    Based on the routine observational data as well as data of satellite, automatic weather stations, densified rainfall stations and Doppler radar in Hebei Province, the dynamical and mesoscale signature for the heavy rainfall event occurred on July 22—24,2005 is analyzed. The results show that the heavy rainfall occurrs in the favorable environmental conditions. The main reasons to the severe convective weather are the water vapor accumulation on lower levels and strong divergence on upper levels caused by subtropical High and tropical depression which provided thermal and dynamical conditions. There are three severe convective cloud clusters and three meso-β rain clusters during the heavy rainfall, and the rain clusters appeared on the mesoscale convergence line or the warm and moisture side of the mesoscale low.Strong radar echoes and positive-negative velocity and head wind area are indicative to the heavy rainfall event.

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  • Received:December 02,2005
  • Revised:March 20,2006
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