ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P
Analysis of Cloud Schemes in Simulation of Short-Term Climatic Process

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    Based on the Hu Zhijin and Liu Qijun′s cloud physics scheme, a explicit cloud scheme in GRAPES model is developed. A short-term climatic process is simulated with warm cloud scheme and the explicit cloud scheme. The results show that GRAPES model with the explicit cloud scheme has greater simulation capability in comparison with observation and NCEP analyzed data. It is able to reveal the distributions of precipitation, surface temperature, cloudiness, the top-of-atmosphere radiation budget. Result of experiment shows that the differences between warm cloud scheme and phase mixed cloud scheme are obvious in precipitation, surface temperature, cloudiness and radiation budget in the simulation of short-term climatic process. It is found that the various phase water coagulation and its distribution have a strong influence on radiation budget. Simulated results of phase mixed cloud scheme are better than those of warm cloud scheme,so phase mixed cloud scheme should be used in simulation of short-term climatic process.

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  • Received:January 26,2005
  • Revised:November 07,2005
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