Comparison of Temperature between Six Hundreds Stations in China and Output of IPCC Models
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In the context of monthly mean temperature of six hundred stations in China from 1961 to 2000 and the temperature output of seven IPCC models (CCC,CCSR,CSIRO,DKRZ,GFDL,HADL,NCAR )only considering the effect of greenhouse gases are analyzed. Results show that (1) These IPCC models certainly have the capability of modeling temperature changes in China, generally, HADL model is the best in simulating temperature changes over china in seven models, then is CCSR, DKRZ, average of seven models, CSIRO, NCAR, CCC, GFDL.(2) The simulating effects in the low latitude region are better than that in the middle latitude region and high latitude region and the simulating effects in the middle region are better than that in the east region and west region, besides, simulating effects in the middle latitude region are better than that of high latitude region, simulating effects in the east region are better than that of the west region. (3) The temperature of six hundred stations in China and the output of IPCC models have rising trend, the same as the global warming trend of climate.