Variations of Annual Frequency of Landfall Typhoons in South China and Its Relation with ENSO
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Data of tropical storms and severe tropical storms and typhoons making landfall on China from 1890 to 1999 were used. With the technique of wavelet analysis, multi-time-scale features and links between the typhoon and ENSO were discussed.The result shows that typhoons making landfall in this part of the country take up 63% of the national total, being an average of 5 per year (10 at most and 1 at least). The landfall occurs mostly at periods of 15, 5 and 80 years, in which the 15-year period is the most prominent before the 1960's while the 5 year period is the main tone in the 1960s and afterwards. There is a close link between the frequency of typhoon appearance and the ENSO event and time of the year. There are much more typhoons in South China in resent years in which the La Nina phenomena first appear in summer, being generally 1.8 typhoons more than in the El Nino years. For years with anomalous more typhoons (defined so when the annual frequency ≥7), the La Nina year is also favored against the El Nino year by a margin of about 1/3.