Polorization of Some Atmospheric Optical Phenomena as Rainbow and Halo
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After the first observation on polarization of rainbow,the features of some atmospheric optical phenomena such as rainbow and halo,etc. were analysed.Fresnel formula can be used to calculated poporization angles.The results show as follows,all kinds of angles are far from the same each other.the main rainbow and minor one are respectively 0.93 and 0.81.The difference between repeated rainbows is also sharp by above 0.75.The 46°halo angle is 0.16,while 22°disc halo′s is only 0.04.There is a certain variation limit for angles of the false solar circle and solar column with incident angle.Rainbow,false solar circle and solar column are reflective polorization,mainly characterized by vibration verticle to incident plane.Halo 46°and disc halo 22°are refractive ones,mainly characterized by vibration parallel to incident plane.In the end,polorization of ″water rainbow″ and ″ice rainbow″ were discused emphatically.