The insolameter recommended in literature [1] was used to measure the data of consecutive luminar variation in clear days,then the data was analysed by spectral statistics to study the activities of the eddies in the boundary layer.The data of the insolametry in Jan. 14th and 15th two clear days was analysed by spectral statistics based on two different kinds of sampling periods(Total recording time),it was concluded that there were fluctuations with different frequency or different period in the whole daytime (eight hours) and two hours period,and the lower frequency partion contributed most to the total energy (almost 2/3),the higher frequency partion also has characteristic period at a few minutes. So the auther assumed the insolameter as a tool to survey the activities of the boundary layer eddies. It can survey the atmosphere media density non-well distributed eddies with horizontal spatial size of 100-1000m. It can also be used in the studies such as the structure of boundry layer eddies,the diffusion of pollutants etc.