The abrupt climatic change of the summer precipitation in Jilin Province and its correlation analysis with the India-Pakistan monsoon depression
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In this paper, the precipitation in Jilin Province in summer (June-August) and the departures of SLP (sea level pressure) and height at 500 hPa in the India-Pakistan region were analyzed with the analytic scheme of abrupt climatic change.The results suggested that abrupt climatic changes (or quasi-abrupt climatic changes) happened around 1967. Both the precipitation and the departures of SLP and the height at 500 hPa have the same quasi-periodic variation. The departures of SLP and the height at 500hPa are in advance of the precipitation about one year. Anomalous signs SLP and the height at 500hPa in India-Pakistan region have conservative property .This conservative property have an effect on precipitation in Jilin Province in summer.