(国家气象中心,北京 100081;南京信息工程大学气象灾害教育部重点实验室/气候与环境变化国际合作联合实验室气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心,南京 210044)
Cause Analysis of Different Types of Severe Convective Weather Under Cold Vortex Background
CAI Xuewei,CHEN Yun,SHEN Xinyong,ZHENG Yongguang,TAO Yiwei
(National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081;Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster of Ministry of Education/Joint International Research Laboratory of Climate and Environment Change/Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044)
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投稿时间:2018-01-23    修订日期:2018-09-30
中文摘要: 利用常规气象观测资料、自动站资料、卫星、雷达和NCEP再分析资料,针对2015年8月22日冷涡背景下华北东北部和黄淮地区同时出现的不同类型强对流天气,对比分析引发不同天气的两种中尺度对流系统的演变过程及冷涡背景下不同强对流天气的成因。具体结论如下:(1)同一冷涡背景下,华北东北部位于冷涡中心外围西南象限和地面冷高压前沿,触发的分散性多单体风暴位于冷涡外围的涡旋云系中,引发以短时强降水为主的强对流天气;黄淮地区位于冷涡后部和地面冷锋前,槽后晴空区的多个对流单体,合并后形成人字形飑线系统引发短时强降水、冰雹和雷暴大风天气;(2)环境热力和水汽的差异为形成不同的强对流天气提供了前提条件:华北东北部受高层暖脊影响,地面高压后部的偏东气流带来水汽输送,整层暖湿的条件利于产生强降水;黄淮地区高层有补充干冷空气,利于热力不稳定条件发展,但黄淮地区低层水汽不足,风雹天气在较干环境场中不易被触发;(3)引发不同强对流天气的对流触发机制不同,两处的初始对流均受同一地面辐合线影响,但华北东北部在地形抬升与辐合线共同作用下不断新生单体;黄淮地区的初始局地热对流形成后,其前沿的辐散出流与环境风形成新的辐合,使原辐合线断裂和转向;(4)出现不同强对流天气时垂直风切变不同,黄淮风雹区的中层垂直风切变更显著,有利于形成持续性的强风暴;强对流天气发生时,华北东北部中低层风场的演变与天气尺度系统的变化有关,黄淮地区中低层风的垂直分布与中尺度对流系统的发生发展有关。
中文关键词: 冷涡,强对流,飑线
Abstract:Using conventional meteorological data, automatic weather station data, satellite data, radar data and NCEP reanalysis data, and focusing on the different types of severe convective weather that occurred in the northeast of North China and Huanghuai Region in the background of cold vortex on 22 August 2015, the evolution process of two mesoscale convective systems caused by different weathers and reasons of different severe convective weather with cold vortex are analyzed in this paper. The results show that: (1) With same cold vortex, Northeast of North China is located in southwest quadrant of cold vortex and in front of ground cold high pressure. Dispersive multi cell storm lies in vortex cloud at the periphery of 〖JP2〗cold vortex, leading to 〖JP〗severe convective weather dominated by short term heavy rainfall. Huang huai Region is in the rear of cold vortex and ahead of cold front on ground. Multiple convective cells form in clear sky behind the trough, forming a herringbone squall line which leads to heavy rainfall, thunderstorm and hail. (2) The differences of environmental heat and water vapor provide a condition for the formation of different severe convective weathers. The northeast of North China is affected by high level warm ridge, and eastward airflow at the back of ground high pressure brings water vapor. The whole layer in warm and humid conditions is conducive to generating intense precipitation. The upper air over Huanghuai Region gets supplementary dry and cold air, which benefits the development of thermal instability. However, the low level water vapor in the region is not enough, so strong wind and hail are not easily triggered in the dry environment. (3) The convection triggering mechanisms for different severe convections are different. Both initial convections are triggered along the same ground convergence line, but with the terrain lifting, new cells are continuously generated in northeast of North China. After initial local geo thermal convection in Huanghuai Region is formed, the divergent outflow at leading edge forms a new convergence with ambient wind, causing the original convergence line to break and turn. (4) When there are different severe convections, the vertical wind shear in the mid level of severe convection over Huanghuai is significant, which is helpful for the formation of a persistent severe storm. When severe convective weather occurs, the evolution of middle and lower winds in northeast of North China is related to the change of synoptic scale systems. The vertical distribution of middle and lower winds in Huanghuai Region is related to the occurrence and development of mesoscale convective system.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
CAI Xuewei,CHEN Yun,SHEN Xinyong,ZHENG Yongguang,TAO Yiwei,2019.Cause Analysis of Different Types of Severe Convective Weather Under Cold Vortex Background[J].Meteor Mon,45(5):621-631.