(1.浙江省温州气象雷达站,温州 325027;2.浙江省温州市气象台,温州 325027;3.浙江省温州市林业局,温州 325027)
Fire Automatic Detection System Based on Doppler Weather Radar
(1.Wenzhou Weather Radar Station of Zhejiang, Wenzhou 325027;2.Wenzhou Meteorological Observatory of Zhejiang, Wenzhou 325027;3.Wenzhou Forestry Office of Zhejiang, Wenzhou 325027)
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投稿时间:2011-10-10    修订日期:2012-07-25
中文摘要: 新一代多普勒天气雷达(CINRAD SA)具有探测森林火灾的能力,由于火灾雷达回波的空间尺度仅为降水回波的几分之一甚至小几个量级,且混合在杂波中,因此难以被及早发现。为了使雷达自动识别火情(火灾)成为可能,文章提出并详细讨论了自动识别火灾回波的“火灾杂波过滤法”,以及利用非零速度距离库数和反射率距离库数来过滤降水回波的“降水回波过滤法”,并在此基础上研制了基于多普勒天气雷达的火情自动识别系统。在长达一年半时间的试运行中,系统监测到温州辖区内近百起火情,它对火情预警的命中率(POD)、误警率(FAR)和临界成功指数(CSI)分别为79%、4%和76%。在有效监测范围(距离雷达站半径约110 km)内,该系统能对森林(草原)火情进行自动识别、定位和报警,并提供每6 min一次的连续跟踪监测。这种新的火情自动识别和监测方法可为森林消防指挥部门提供更为及时、准确的火情动态信息,也为多普勒天气雷达拓展了新的应用领域。
Abstract:The CINRAD SA Doppler weather radar has the ability of detecting forest fires, however, the spatial scales of fire echoes are far less than rainfall’s, therefore it is hard to distinguish fire echoes from others manually. In order to make the fire detection and recognition possible by radar, a new method of fire clutter filtering was proposed and discussed in detail which reserves the fire echoes while removes the clutter echoes efficiently. Meanwhile, another new method of precipitation echo filtering was developed, which used the numbers of non zero velocity gates and reflectivity gates. Based on that, an automatic fire detection system was developed, which can recognize and identify fire echoes out of clutter and precipitation echoes automatically. During one and a half year’s real time test, the system detected nearly 100 of fire events in region of Wenzhou City, most of them confirmed by forest fire management departments. The accuracy of fire detection in terms of the probability of detection (POD), the false alarm ratio (FAR) and the critical success index (CSI) statistics is 79%, 4% and 76% respectively. Within the valid radius approximately 110 km away from radar station, the system can detect, position and alarm forest (wildland) fires automatically, as well as providing fire monitoring every 6 min continuously. It could be a brand new approach of forest fire detection, which can provide timely and accurate fire information to decision makers of forest fire management.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
HUANG Kehui,ZHU Jing,HUANG Yiping,ZHOU Bigao,ZHONG Jianfeng,2013.Fire Automatic Detection System Based on Doppler Weather Radar[J].Meteor Mon,39(2):241-248.