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(浙江嘉兴市气象局,嘉兴 314050)
Characteristics of Continuous Heatwave Weather over the North Area of Hangzhou Bay and the Connection with Urbanization
(Jiaxing Meteorological Office of Zhejiang, Jiaxing 314050)
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投稿时间:2011-02-11    修订日期:2011-08-08
中文摘要: 伴随21世纪的到来,杭州湾北岸持续热浪事件出现频率高、持续时间长、影响范围广、强度强、出现的气温极值高。使用NCEP资料和天气学方法,对4次持续热浪过程进行分析,在副高持续增强脊线北移至30°N,当高层南亚高压分裂东移,高低空负涡度出现垂直叠加,或因台风外围环流影响,出现强烈的下沉和晴空辐射增温,再加上平流增温、以及前期持续高温的累积效应等综合因素,杭州湾北岸出现持续区域热浪。21世纪以来,持续热浪期间,白天高温和酷热时长都出现延长,且酷热时长延长得更明显。此外,嘉兴日照时数出现减少,而气温仍较快升高的现象可能与城市化快速发展导致的城市“热岛效应”有关。目前,杭州湾北岸城市群“热岛效应”已经综合影响到热浪期间城市间的温差关系上。
Abstract:Since the year 2000, continuous heatwave events have some new characteristics, such as high frequency, long duration, broad influence, strong intensity and high extreme temperature. Analyzed the four times of continuous heatwave weather by use of the NCEP data and synoptic meteorology method, it was found that continuous heatwave weather over north area of Hangzhou Bay seems to appear under the intense warming by descending drafts and clear sky radiation, which is due to the powerful control of the subtropical high with ridge line strengthened up to 30°N, and high and low altitude negative vorticities have a vertical superimposition when the South Asian high moves eastwards, or in the influence of typhoon periphery circulation, and the advection warming, also synthesizing the earlier period continuous high temperature factors. In the 21st century, during the heatwave days, the high temperature hours and extremely hot hours are both growing up, and the latter grows up more. Although the sunshine hours decreased, the temperature still quickly elevated, maybe it is connected with the urban heat island effect (UHIE) which is caused by the development of cities. Nowadays, this effect of cities over the north area of Hangzhou Bay is already extended to the temperature difference relations among cities.
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Lu Chenli,Fan Xiaohong,Song Wenying,Zhang Xuehui,2012.Characteristics of Continuous Heatwave Weather over the North Area of Hangzhou Bay and the Connection with Urbanization[J].Meteor Mon,38(3):329-335.