(1.河北省气象台, 石家庄 050021;2. 河北省气象与生态环境实验室, 石家庄 050021;3.河北省气象与生态环境实验室, 石家庄 050021)
Causation Analysis on a Large-Scale Continuous High Temperature Process Occurring in North China Plain
(1.Hebei Meteorological Observatory, Shijiazhuang 050021;2. Hebei Meteorological and EcoEnvironmental Monitoring Laboratory, Shijiazhuang 050021;3.Hebei Meteorological and EcoEnvironmental Monitoring Laboratory, Shijiazhuang 050021)
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投稿时间:2009-09-13    修订日期:2010-03-24
中文摘要: 使用NCEP再分析、常规和非常规观测资料对一次华北平原大范围持续性高温过程的成因进行分析。得出:中高层大陆高压(脊)、850 hPa高温区的稳定少动是此次持续性高温天气形成和维持的原因。高温持续期间地面以两种天气形势为主,一是华北地区处于低压带或低槽中,二是在我国西北地区生成的地面低压向东伸展与移动,华北地区处于低压前部。对高温范围及强度最强的24—25日期间,引起局地温度变化的各项因子进行了定量估算。结果显示:平流项在升温过程中作用较小,垂直输送项比较重要,在此次过程的升温中所占比例约30%;非绝热加热项作用较大,在此次过程的升温中所占比例约41%。因此在实际业务预报中,应重点考虑垂直输送项和非绝热加热项的作用。
Abstract:Using conventional and unconventional observation data, with NCEP reanlysis data, a large scale continuous high temperature process occurring in North China Plain was studied.Some results were shown as follows: High pressure (ridge) in the upper level, stable high temperature zone on 850 hPa and the low pressure generated in Northwest China with surface stretching or moving eastward are the causes for the formation and maintenance of the sustained high temperatures process. Meanwhile, the quantitative values of the advection term, perpendicular term and non adiabatic term leading to local temperature variations are estimated. The advection term varies complicatedly, but it plays a very weak role. The perpendicular term leads to temperature increase by 30% in this process. The local temperature increment is mainly from the non adiabatic term, and it plays a significant role (about 41% in this process) in local temperature increment. Therefore, in the operational forecast, the role played by advection can be ignored, the perpendicular term and non adiabatic term should be focused and considered.
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ZHANG Yingxin,ZHANG Shoubao,2010.Causation Analysis on a Large-Scale Continuous High Temperature Process Occurring in North China Plain[J].Meteor Mon,36(10):8-13.