(1.总参气象水文局, 北京 100081;2.北京航天飞行控制中心, 北京 100094 ;3.中国西昌卫星发射中心气象室, 西昌 615000)
Research on Physical Mechanism of Summer Severe Climatic High Temperature and Drought Disasters in Sichuan and Chongqing Area in 2006
(1.PLA General Staff MetHyd Department, Beijing 100081 ;2.Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center, Beijing 100094;3.Xichang Satellite Launch Center, Xichang 615000)
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投稿时间:2008-12-01    修订日期:2010-02-26
中文摘要: 利用1970—2000年、2006年6—8月的NCEP资料,研究2006年盛夏川渝地区高温干旱气候形成的物理机制。通过敏感性试验和控制性试验的对比分析发现,感热加热对青藏高原、川渝地区地面温度的升高、500 hPa高度场的增强有显著作用,而高原高度场的加强有利于西太平洋副高的加强西伸和大陆高压的加强东进;对动力作用的分析发现,高原动力作用在这次高温干旱事件中的作用不是唯一的,川渝地区上空异常强盛的下沉气流是由西太平洋副热带高压、大陆高压以及高原北侧南伸气流共同作用造成的;感热加热是导致川渝地区高温干旱天气发生和维持的首要原因。
Abstract:Physical mechanism of summer severe climatic high temperature and drought disasters in Sichuan and Chongqing area in 2006 are studied by using NCEP data from years 1970 to 2000 and year 2006. Comparing thermodynamic experiments with control experiments indicates that sensible heating caused the obvious strengthening of geopotential height and temperature rising of the Tibetan Plateau, and also has same effects on the Sichuan and Chongqing Area. Then it induced the plateau high to move eastward, and the subtropical high over the West Pacific to move westward, thus the two highs are strengthened at the same time. Dynamical analysis finds that the dynamic effect of the Tibetan Plateau is only one of the causes to bring about the disaster. The abnormal strong descending flow which controls the disaster area is jointly induced by the subtropical high over the West Pacific, the Tibetan Plateau high and the southward flow over north of the Tibetan Plateau. It is the sensible heat that plays the first important role to result in the disaster to sustain over a long period of time.
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CHEN Lihua,ZHOU Lv,DANG Jiantao,HU Ye,SHENG Fei,2010.Research on Physical Mechanism of Summer Severe Climatic High Temperature and Drought Disasters in Sichuan and Chongqing Area in 2006[J].Meteor Mon,36(5):85-91.