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投稿时间:2024-07-01 修订日期:2024-12-23
投稿时间:2024-07-01 修订日期:2024-12-23
中文摘要: 涝渍害是影响安徽省夏玉米稳产、高产的主要限制因素,土壤水分虽然是衡量农业旱涝状况的直接指标,但现有的土壤水分观测站点密度和数据精确度均无法满足旱涝监测、预警及评估的需求。本研究旨在构建一个能够反映夏玉米苗期逐日土壤相对湿度变化的涝渍指标。根据皖北地区20个县(区)1981—2020年的逐日气象资料、地理信息数据以及夏玉米灾情资料,采用逐日标准化前期降水蒸散指数(SAPEI)表征土壤相对湿度,结合行业标准建立了夏玉米苗期涝渍主导指标和辅助指数,验证准确率在90%以上。计算结果表明:皖北地区夏玉米苗期涝渍在时间上表现为1991—2000年最严重、2001—2010年次之;在近40年中,2003年是涝渍最严重的一年。在空间分布上表现为沿淮地区涝渍发生频率高于淮北地区。加强玉米涝渍害监测和预警技术研究,以及开展区域性玉米涝渍害的定量化评估,对于保障安徽省粮食安全具有重要意义。
Abstract:Waterlogging damage is the main limiting factor for stable and high yield of summer maize in Anhui Province. Soil moisture is a direct indicator of agricultural drought and flood conditions. The current density and accuracy of soil moisture observation stations can not satisfy the requirements of drought and flood monitoring, early warning and assessment. To construct a waterlogging index that can reflect the daily changes of soil moisture for summer maize during the seedling stage, based on daily meteorological data, geographic information, and summer maize disaster data of 20 counties (districts) in the northern part of Anhui Province from 1981 to 2020, this paper uses the daily standardized antecedent precipitation evapotranspiration index (SAPEI) in characterizing soil relative humidity. In addition, combined with the industry standard grades of waterlogging for summer maize, the dominant indicators and auxiliary indexes of waterlogging for summer maize during the seedling stage are established. The verified accuracy of the indexes exceeds 90%. The temporal manifestation of waterlogging during the seedling stage of summer maize in northern Anhui is as follows. The most severe period is from 1991 to 2000 and the period from 2001 to 2010 comes the second. 2003 is the year most serious waterlogging in the past 40 years. In spatial distribution, the frequency of waterlogging in the area along the Huaihe River is higher than that in the area north to the Huaihe River. Strengthening the research on monitoring and early warning technology for maize waterlogging and conducting quantitative assessments of regional waterlogging for maize is of great significance to ensure food security in Anhui Province.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
XU Ying,WANG Xiaodong,WANG Meng,ZHANG Lin,WANG Shiji,WU Wenming,2025.Applicability of SAPEI in Waterlogging Monitoring During the Seedling Stage of Summer Maize in Northern Anhui Province[J].Meteor Mon,51(2):229-238.
XU Ying,WANG Xiaodong,WANG Meng,ZHANG Lin,WANG Shiji,WU Wenming,2025.Applicability of SAPEI in Waterlogging Monitoring During the Seedling Stage of Summer Maize in Northern Anhui Province[J].Meteor Mon,51(2):229-238.