(安徽省黄山市气象局,黄山 245000; 国家气候中心,北京 100081)
Circulation Background of Abnormal Rainfall in the Area South of Yangtze River in June 2024 and Role of Record-Breaking Warm SST in Tropical Western Indian Ocean
FANG Xiangsheng,GAO Hui
(Huangshan Meteorological Office of Anhui Province, Huangshan 245000; National Climate Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2024-07-15    修订日期:2024-08-29
中文摘要: 2024年初夏我国东部季风区呈现明显的“北旱南涝”分布特征,其中江南降水量打破历史同期纪录,统计和个例分析均表明,偏强偏西的西太平洋副热带高压(以下简称西太副高)西侧异常偏强的南风水汽输送起到了主要作用。但在110°E以西地区大气环流表现出与历史事件不同的特征。北非副热带高压(以下简称北非副高)东侧明显向东和向南伸展,并在热带印度洋南部与西伸的西太副高首次连通,形成一个“倒Ω”环流型。热带印度洋西部异常暖海温可能是江南初夏异常多雨的主要外强迫因子。2024年1—2月西热带印度洋海温距平首次突破1℃,下垫面的热力作用加热了对流层中下层大气,气柱受热膨胀使北非副高东侧的位势高度升高和北风分量增强,与西太副高西段在热带印度洋南部上空共同形成“倒Ω”环流型,并在赤道印度洋上空形成很强的气旋式距平环流,其东侧偏南风距平分量汇入孟加拉湾西南气流,向江南地区的水汽输送明显增多,从而导致江南异常多雨;历史资料的统计分析同样验证了这一结论。
Abstract:In June 2024, rainfall in eastern China exhibited a distinct spatial distribution characterized by “droughts in northern China and floods in southern China”. Notably, the rainfall in the area south of Yangtze River exceeded the historic record since 1961. Both the results of the statistical analysis and the case study have demonstrated that the anomalous southerly moisture transport on the western side of the Western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) played a significant function. However, the general circulation to the west of 110°E showed different characteristics from those in historical events. The eastern boundary of the North Africa high (NAH) exhibited a notable eastward and southward extension, connecting the western boundary of the WPSH over the southern tropical Indian Ocean. This resulted in the formation of an “inverted Ω” circulation pattern, a phenomenon that has never been observed previously. In addition to the El Nino, the record-breaking warm sea surface temperature (SST) in the western tropical Indian Ocean was another significant impact factor for the abnormal rainfall in the area south of the Yangtze River in early summer. From January to February 2024, the SST anomaly over the west part (20°S-20°N, 40°-75°E) of tropical Indian Ocean, exceeded 1℃ for the first time. The thermal effect of the underlying surface caused the rise in air temperature below 600 hPa over the domain. The thermal expansion of the air column led to an increase in geopotential height over the eastern boundary of the NAH, which in turn contributed to an intensification of the north wind component. It can be concluded that the formation of the “inverted Ω” circulation pattern was a result of the eastward extension of the NAH and westward extension of the WPSH, respectively. This resulted in the development of a strong cyclonic anomaly circulation over the equatorial Indian Ocean. The anomalous southerly wind compoments on its eastern side converged enhancing the transport of southwest moisture flow from the Bay of Bengal to the area south of Yangtze River, resulting in abnormal rainfall in the latter. Statistical analysis from historical observations have also verified this conclusion.
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FANG Xiangsheng,GAO Hui,2024.Circulation Background of Abnormal Rainfall in the Area South of Yangtze River in June 2024 and Role of Record-Breaking Warm SST in Tropical Western Indian Ocean[J].Meteor Mon,50(12):1441-1450.