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(中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室,北京 100081; 河北固城农业气象国家野外科学观测研究站,保定 072656;中国农业大学资源与环境学院,北京 100193)
Meteorological Services Support for High-Standard Farmland Production at the Frontline of Climate Action
ZHOU Guangsheng,HE Qijin,SONG Xingyang,LYU Xiaomin,ZHOU Li
(State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081; Hebei Gucheng Agricultural Meteorology National Observation and Research Station, Baoding 072656; College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193)
本文已被:浏览 154次   下载 724
投稿时间:2024-02-26    修订日期:2024-03-07
中文摘要: 以变暖为主要特征的全球气候变化已经严重威胁到全球粮食安全,高标准农田建设作为农业适应气候变化的重要措施已经在中国推广实施。为助力气候变暖影响下的高标准农田生产,文章梳理了国际土地整理与我国高标准农田建设历程,并从高标准农田适宜性评价、土地要素配置的粮食效应、高标准农田监督管理和高标准农田建设效益评价四个方面综述了高标准农田的最新研究进展,指出目前缺乏高标准农田生产气象保障相关研究。在此基础上,针对高标准农田旱涝保收、抗灾能力强和生态良好“三位一体”的要求,提出气象助力高标准农田生产应加强三个方面研究:农田生态系统-气候-水资源相互作用与农田节水灌溉;主要粮食作物气象灾变精准监测模拟与快速解析归因;农田生态气象风险敏感因子检测及其气象监测评价,以实现气象为农服务提质增效,助力高标准农田高产增效。
Abstract:Warming-characterized global climate change has seriously threatened the global food security. High-standard farmland construction, as an important measure for agriculture to adapt to climate change, has been popularized and implemented in China. In order to support the high-standard farmland production under the influence of climate warming, this study investigates the history of the international land consolidation and the high-standard farmland construction in China, reviews the latest research progress in four key areas, including the suitability assessment of high-standard farmland, the grain crop production effect of land element configuration, the supervision and management of high-standard farmland, and the benefit evaluation of high-standard farmland construction, pointing out the current shortage of research related to meteorological support for high-standard farmland production. Focusing on the requirements of ensuring grain harvest in high-standard farmland under both drought and waterlogging conditions, possessing strong disaster resilience, and maintaining a good eco-environment, the following main tasks are proposed for high-standard farmland production with meteorological support: the interaction of farmland ecosystem-climate-water resources and the water-saving irrigation in farmland; precise monitoring and simulation of meteorological disasters, and rapid attribution analysis of major grain crops; detection of eco-meteorological risk sensitive factors in farmland and their meteorological monitoring and evaluation. These tasks would promote the quality and efficiency of meteorological services for agriculture, and support the high-yield and efficiency of high-standard farmland.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
ZHOU Guangsheng,HE Qijin,SONG Xingyang,LYU Xiaomin,ZHOU Li,2024.Meteorological Services Support for High-Standard Farmland Production at the Frontline of Climate Action[J].Meteor Mon,50(3):265-274.