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(国家气象中心,北京 100081;内蒙古自治区通辽市气象局,通辽 028000)
Analysis of the November 2023 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather
HUO Da,ZHOU Ningfang,MA Dianbo
(National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081;Tongliao Meteorological Office of Inner Mongolia, Tongliao 028000)
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投稿时间:2024-01-08    修订日期:2024-01-16
中文摘要: 2023年11月北半球大气环流的主要特征是:极涡呈多极型分布,与历史同期相比,主体强度显著偏强;中高纬度地区环流形势为“四槽四脊”,亚洲中高纬度地区环流整体呈西高东低型,但东亚大槽偏弱;副热带高压强度显著偏强。11月全国平均气温较常年同期(3.3℃)偏高0.5℃。全国平均降水量较常年同期(20.2mm)偏多9%,降水显著偏多地区主要在内蒙古、东北地区、华北南部和黄淮北部,东北部分地区降水量突破历史同期极大值。月内冷空气活动较为频繁,大气扩散条件整体较好,中东部等地较少出现雾和霾天气。月内出现了2次北方型寒潮天气过程。
Abstract:The main characteristics of the general circulation of atmosphere in November 2023 are as follows. There were three polar vortex centers in the Northern Hemisphere, and the intensity of polar vortexes was significantly stronger than normal. The mid-high latitude circulation was distributed in the pattern of four troughs and four ridges. The mid-high latitude circulation in Asia was in the west-high and east-low pattern overall, but the East Asian trough was weaker than that in the same period of normal year, and the western Pacific subtropical high was stronger. In November, the national monthly mean temperature was 0.5℃ higher than usual (3.3℃) and the national monthly mean precipitation increased by 9% relative to normal (20.2 mm). The regions having received much more precipitation included Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, southern part of North China and northern part of Huanghuai Area, Especially, some parts of Northeast China saw the precipitation surpass the recorded maximum value for the same time period. During this month, cold airs were more active and frequent, making the atmospheric dispersion conditions improved overall with less fog-haze weather seen in the central and eastern parts of China. In addition, two cold wave processes occurred in the northern part of China.
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HUO Da,ZHOU Ningfang,MA Dianbo,2024.Analysis of the November 2023 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather[J].Meteor Mon,50(2):257-264.