(浙江省气象科学研究所,杭州 310051;浙江省气象台,杭州 310051; 中国气象局水文气象重点开放实验室,北京 100081;杭州市气象局,杭州 310051)
Evolution and Formation Mechanism of a Regional Extreme Thunderstorm Gale in Hangzhou Bay Affected by Cold Vortex
LI Yuejun,MA Hao,GOU Yabin,DAI Xianglin,YU Zhenshou
(Zhejiang Institute of Meteorological Sciences, Hangzhou 310051;Zhejiang Meteorological Observatory, Hangzhou 310051; Key Laboratory of Hydro Meteorology, CMA, Beijing 100081; Hangzhou Meteorological Bureau, Hangzhou 310051)
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投稿时间:2023-03-06    修订日期:2023-09-18
中文摘要: 利用常规气象探空观测、地面自动气象站逐分钟观测、风廓线雷达以及多普勒天气雷达等多源观测资料,分析了2021年4月30日傍晚到夜间浙江北部和杭州湾沿海地区一次区域性极端大风的天气特征,重点探讨了对流系统移入杭州湾后的中尺度演变特征和大风增强的原因。结果表明,此次过程是典型的多尺度相互作用的结果,在高空深厚的东北冷涡影响下,配合中层西北急流和较强的地面暖低压促使飑线后部对流系统发展,形成雷暴大风天气。对流单体在经过杭州湾水系后明显增强,其阵风锋前侧有西南暖湿入流,后部冷池发展强盛,气压涌升,叠加地面环境风场和杭州湾水面的热动力条件,从而触发不稳定能量促使单体发展。系统经过杭州湾后辐散下沉出流明显增强,将中高层的动量更快地下传至地面,对于杭州湾南部风力增强效应显著。杭州湾光滑下垫面、喇叭口等特殊地形也是造成极端大风出现的原因之一。同时,逐分钟变温相比于极大风出现时间提前了约7~10min,对于局地极端大风监测预警有一定的指示意义。
Abstract:Using the conventional sounding observation data, minutely automatic weather station (AWS) data, wind profile radar data, and Doppler weather radar, this paper analyzes the weather characteristics of a regional extreme gale in the northern Zhejiang and Hangzhou Bay coastal areas from the evening to the night of 30 April 2021, focusing on the evolution and mesoscale features of the severe squall line system after its moving into Hangzhou Bay. The analysis results show that this severe squall line system developed under a typical multi-scale interaction background of anomalously deep northeast cold vortex at relatively high altitude. The combination of the mid-level northwest jet and surface warm low pressure induced an enhancement of the local convection storms behind the squall line, resulting in thunderstorm and gale. After the convection cell passed through the Hangzhou Bay, its intensity was enhanced significantly. The warm-moist southwest air flew into the front of the gust front, the cold pool developed stronger in the rear of the gust front, barometric pressure surged with the land surface 〖JP2〗environmental wind field and the thermo-〖JP〗dynamic conditions of water surface of Hangzhou Bay. All these factors triggered unstable energy and enhanced the development of cells. The intensity of subsidence divergence outflow developed strongly after the cell’s crossing the Hangzhou Bay, and it conveyed the momentum in the mid-high layers to the ground rapidly, which generated the enhancement effect of extreme winds in the south of Hangzhou Bay significantly. The lower friction on the water surface of Hangzhou Bay and the special topography of bellmouth were the important causes for the occurrence of extreme gale. At the same time, minute-by-minute temperature change was about 7-10 minutes earlier than the occurrence time of extreme gale. This finding has certain directive significance for local extreme wind monitoring and warning.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金联合基金项目(U2242204)、浙江省自然科学基金项目( LZJMY24D050005)和浙江省科技厅重点研发计划(2022C03150)共同资助
LI Yuejun,MA Hao,GOU Yabin,DAI Xianglin,YU Zhenshou,2024.Evolution and Formation Mechanism of a Regional Extreme Thunderstorm Gale in Hangzhou Bay Affected by Cold Vortex[J].Meteor Mon,50(1):71-83.